Karen Levik

Content manager at Marketing Lemur

What is email preheader - Effects on Email Open Rates

Have you ever wondered why some emails grab your attention right when you open your inbox? A lot of that magic happens because of something called an email preheader.

So, what is an email preheader? It's the short line of text that appears right next to or beneath the subject line of an email. This snippet acts like a teaser that tells you more about what the email contains.

Think of the email preheader like a movie trailer for your message. It helps you catch someone's eye. It can convince them to read your email. In just a few words, a good preheader can mean your email gets opened instead of ignored.

In this post, we'll look at how to make great preheaders. We want to help you get more people to open your emails and notice them. Are you ready to start? Let's go and make your emails ones that everyone wants to read!

Definition of an Email Preheader

An email preheader is a short text right after the subject line in your inbox. It is the first line you see from the email itself. Retail websites tweak this text to grab your attention quickly.

These sites use the preheader to show a preview of what’s in the email. This preview helps convince people to open the email. A good preheader works with the subject line to explain more about the email’s content. This can make more people want to open the email.

Using preheaders well helps retail websites get more people to read their emails. This helps them grow their email list and share their promotions.

Importance of Email Preheaders

Email preheaders are crucial in email marketing. They sit next to your subject line in most web email clients. Think of them as a second subject line. They give you extra space to tempt people to open your emails.

Effective email preheaders complement the subject line. They add more info and encourage the reader to open your email. Both your subject line and preheader text work together to grab attention. This teamwork can significantly boost your open rate.

A good email preheader creates a sense of urgency. It can also include calls to action. These tactics encourage recipients to act fast. For instance, saying "Limited offer" can push them to read more.

Email preheader best practices suggest keeping your line of text short. Most email services show around 40 to 50 characters in the preheader. So, it's best to keep it concise.

Adding a preheader helps you use your email space wisely. It turns the first line of text into a powerful tool. This improves how your email looks in the inbox and increases the chances of your email opens.

In summary, effective email preheaders make your email marketing campaign more successful. They convince more people to open your emails, boosting your overall engagement.

How to Craft Effective Email Preheaders

Creating effective email preheaders can significantly improve your email marketing campaign's open rates. Here are simple and practical tips to help you craft compelling preheaders that encourage people to open your emails.

Keep It Short

Character limits matter. Most email services show only the first 40 to 50 characters of the preheader. Aim to make your point quickly. This line of text works alongside the email subject line to grab attention.

Complement the Subject Line

Align with your email subject lines. The preheader should enhance or expand on the subject line. Think of the subject line and preheader text as a team, working together to entice the reader to open your email.

Add a Call to Action

Encourage action. Effective calls to action such as "Read more" or "Claim your coupon" can be included in your preheader. This strategy helps to direct your readers on what to do next.

Create Urgency

Make it timely. Phrases that create a sense of urgency, like "Offer ends soon" or "Limited availability," can increase email opens. This approach pushes recipients to act immediately.

Use Preview Text Wisely

Consider it a sneak peek. Use the email preheader text, also known as the email preview text, to give a brief summary of the email content. This is especially crucial for web email clients that display preheaders prominently.

Test and Optimize

Experiment. Try different preheaders with small segments of your audience to see which works best. Testing different versions can help you understand what makes your audience more likely to open your emails.

By following these email preheader best practices, you can craft preheaders that not only complement your subject lines but also improve your overall email open rate.

Examples of Successful Email Preheaders

In this section, we'll explore real-world examples of effective email preheaders that stand out and encourage more opens. Remember, the preheader is a small line of text that appears after the email subject line in most web email clients. It's your second chance to make a good impression!

Why Preheaders Matter

  • The preheader works with the subject line to get people to open your emails.
  • It adds extra info, making your email more tempting to open.

Creating Effective Preheaders

  • Keep it short: Character limits mean you need to be brief. Aim for under 100 characters.
  • Complement the subject line: Your line and preheader text should work together, not repeat each other.
  • Add a call to action: Encourage readers to act. Phrases like "Discover more" or "Join now" prompt action.

Examples to Learn From

  • Fashion Retail: Subject - "Fall Fashion Line Released"; Preheader - "See what's new and get 20% off your first order!"
  • This creates a sense of urgency and offers a clear benefit if you open the email.
  • Tech Newsletter: Subject - "This Week in Tech: Top 5 Gadgets"; Preheader - "Open your email to see the latest innovations!"

This preheader invites curiosity and complements the subject line without giving everything away.

  • Charity Campaign: Subject - "Help Us Reach Our Goal!"; Preheader - "Every donation brings us closer to helping more families."

Emotional appeal works well in the preheader, encouraging more opens.

Best Practices to Follow

  • Use friendly and direct language: Speak directly to the reader to make it personal.
  • Include deadlines: Adding a preheader like "Offer ends tonight!" can boost the open rate.
  • Test different preheaders: What works for one email marketing campaign might not work for another. Always be testing.

By using these tips and examples, you can make better email preheaders that get more people to open your emails. Keep in mind, a good preheader helps increase how many people open your emails and make your email campaigns more successful.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Email Preheaders

When creating email preheaders, it's easy to make mistakes that can affect your email's effectiveness. Here are some key pitfalls to avoid:

  • Too Long: Keep your preheader short. Most email services show only the first 40-50 characters. Aim to get your message across quickly.
  • Ignoring the Connection: Your preheader should work with your subject line. They should support each other to make people want to open your email.
  • Repeating the Subject Line: Don’t just repeat what's already in your subject line. Use the preheader to add new information or a call to action.
  • Missing a Call to Action: Effective email preheaders often include a direct call to action. This encourages people to open your emails.
  • Forgetting Mobile Users: Many read emails on phones. Make sure your preheader looks good on mobile devices.
  • Not Creating Urgency: Sometimes, it's effective to create a sense of urgency in your preheader. This can boost your open rate.
  • Ignoring Best Practices: Learn the best practices for email preheaders. They can make a big difference in your email marketing campaign.
  • Overlooking Preheader Tools: Use tools offered by your email service. They can help craft better preheader text.

Remember, your preheader is like a second subject line. Use it wisely to improve your email opens. This simple line of text could be the reason people choose to open your emails or ignore them.

Tools and Resources for Designing Email Preheaders

Creating effective email preheaders can significantly improve your email marketing campaign's open rates. Here are some tools and resources to help you design better preheaders:

  • Use Email Marketing Services: Platforms like Mailchimp and Constant Contact make it easy to add and test preheaders with your email subject lines. They also give tips on how to write preheaders that make people want to open your emails.
  • Character Limit Checkers: Most web email clients show only the first 40-50 characters of the preheader. Tools like Litmus and Email on Acid help you see how your subject line and preheader text appear on different devices. This ensures your key message isn't cut off.
  • A/B Testing Software: Experiment with different versions of your preheaders. Use A/B testing features available in many email services to find out what works best in driving email opens.
  • Preheader Templates: Look for templates that integrate well-crafted calls to action and create a sense of urgency. Many email service platforms offer templates where the line of text complements the email subject lines effectively.
  • Analytics Tools: Tools like Google Analytics can track how changes in your email preview text affect your open rates. Analyzing this data helps refine your approach to crafting preheaders.

Using these tools helps you make better email preheaders. This makes more people want to open your emails. As a result, your email marketing works better overall.

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